Member News
Altus Group to acquire APAC-focused Forbury
Altus Group Limited has signed a definitive agreement to acquire APAC commercial real estate valuation software provider, Forbury Property Valuation Solutions Limited. The deal marks a significant investment for Altus…
Happly launches with $1.75 million seed funding round
Australian end-to-end moving platform Happly has officially launched with a seed funding round of $1.75 million.  Founded by Sydney-based global entrepreneur Andrew Weinman, Happly leverages the latest technology to partner…
Data Army launches Proptech Cloud hub
Australian data consultancy Data Army has launched a specialised industry educational hub, The Proptech Cloud, as it strives to foster a data-driven community and empower businesses working with proptech data.…
PEXA diversifies into climate resilience market
PEXA Group Limited has acquired a 100% stake in Australian environmental risk data analytics company, Land Insight. The acquisition comes at a time when governments and industry require important benchmarks…
Perfect match seeks housing affordability solutions
Real estate marketplace and home-sharing platform The Room Xchange have announced a strategic partnership designed to help people secure more affordable housing. In their complementary areas of expertise, both…
Homely grows revenue 20.5% in challenging market conditions
Homely Group has announced its 2023 financial year top-line results, reporting a 20.5% increase in annual revenue.  Other significant FY23 highlights include a 29.3% rise in direct enquiries on property…
Sensor Global secures $2.65M funding for residential IoT solutions
Sensor Global - a start-up specialising in residential "internet of things" (IoT) technology - has successfully closed its seed funding round with $2.65 million.  A who’s-who of well-known property business…
The Room Xchange announces partnership with Study Gold Coast
The Room Xchange - Australia's only verified house-sharing platform - has announced a partnership with Study Gold Coast to provide a safe, secure and affordable housing solution. Study Gold Coast…
Facilio expands Australia presence with new regional director
Facilio, an AI-driven SaaS property operations platform provider with a global customer base, announced its expansion into the ANZ region in response to high demand for its smart building solutions.…
Sharehouse app makes finding a flatmate easier
Sharehouse, an Australian proptech platform to help find flatmates, has launched a dedicated iOS app, bringing all the functionality of the website right into mobile format.  The iOS app offers…
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