Proptech Association AGM 2021 Minutes

Proptech Association AGM 2021 Minutes

Agenda Items

1.0 Declaration of Opening and Acknowledgement of Country

1.1 Acknowledgement of Country

  • Kylie Davis welcomed attendees and advised that a quorum was present.
  • Kylie Davis provided an Acknowledgement of Country.

1.2 Opening

  • Kylie Davis introduced herself as President and chair for the AGM.
  • Kylie Davis advised that the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and other members of the committee were present.

2.0 Procedural Matters

2.1 Notice of Meeting

  • Kylie Davis confirmed that she has been advised by the Secretary that the Notice of Meeting has been properly circulated and that she will take the Notice of the Meeting as read.
  • Kylie indicated that there were no apologies received.

2.2 Record of Attendance

  • Kylie Davis indicated that a record of Attendance is being managed by the Secretary and that anyone who is in attendance physically to sign this Attendance record.
  • Kylie Davis indicated that anyone attending virtually should send an email to the Secretary to confirm their attendance. The email may be sent to

2.3 Quorum

  • Kylie Davis advised that under the Association’s Constitution a quorum of 5 members is required for the annual general meeting to proceed and that the Secretary has advised that a quorum was present.

2.4 Previous Annual General Meetings

  • Kylie Davis noted that this meeting is the first AGM of the Association and therefore there are no previous minutes to be tabled.

3.0 President’s Report

3.1 President’s Report

  • Kylie Davis presented the President’s Report.
  • Kylie Davis then invited questions from the members. There were no questions.

4.0 Special Resolution

4.1 Special Resolution

  • Kylie Davis advised that the Notice of Annual General Meeting identified that a special resolution will be put before a vote of this meeting to adopt a new Constitution. The members were advised that the Explanatory Notes of the Notice detailed the changes to the Constitution and the reasons for the changes.
  • Kylie Davis moved the Special Resolution:
    “That the Proptech Association of Australia replaces its existing Constitution and adopts
    a new constitution in its place in the form signed by the Chairman of the meeting.”
  • Simon Hayes seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then asked for any questions from members regarding the Special Resolution. There were no questions.
  • Kylie Davis then put the Special Resolution to the members.
  • The members voted unanimously in favour of the Special Resolution and the motion was carried.
  • Kylie Davis as chair of the AGM signed the new Constitution.

5.0 Treasurer’s Report

5.1 Treasurer’s Report

  • Kylie Davis invited Marie-Anne Lampotang-Murphy to provide the Treasurer’s Report.
  • Marie-Anne Lampotang-Murphy presented the report. At the completion of the presentation the members were invited to ask questions. There were no questions.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion:
    “The Treasurer’s Report and financial statements be adopted.”
  • AJ Chand seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.

6.0 Election of Officer Bearers and Committee Members

6.1 President

  • Kylie Davis stood down as chair of the AGM and President of the Association.
  • Jennifer Harrison assumed chair of the AGM.
  • Jennifer Harrison advised that one nomination form was received for the position of President. The nomination form was for Kylie Davis.
  • Jennifer Harrison moved the motion that:
    ” Kylie Davis be elected as President of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • Belinda Seers seconded the motion.
  • Jennifer Harrison then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.
  • Kylie Davis resumed the chair of the AGM and directed that all current Committee members stand down from their position.

6.2 Vice President

  • Kylie Davis advised that one nomination form was received for the position of Vice-President. The nomination form was for Jennifer Harrison.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion that:
    “Jennifer Harrison be elected as Vice-President of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • AJ Chand seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.

6.3 Treasurer

  • Kylie Davis advised that one nomination form was received for the position of Treasurer. The nomination form was for Marie-Anne Lampotang-Murphy.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion that:
    “Marie-Anne Lampotang-Murphy be elected as Treasurer of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • AJ Chand seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.

6.4 Secretary

  • Kylie Davis advised that one nomination form was received for the position of Secretary. The nomination form was for Simon Hayes.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion that:
    “Simon Hayes be elected as Secretary of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • Jennifer Harrison seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.

6.5 Committee Members

  • Kylie Davis advised that three nomination forms had been received for the position of committee members. The nomination forms are for Kylie Dillon, AJ Chand and John Minns and their nominations dealt with separately.
  • Kylie Davis advised that a nomination form was received for the position of Committee Member for Kylie Dillon.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion that:
    “Kylie Dillon be elected as a Committee Member of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • Marie-Anne Lampotang-Murphy seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.
  • Kylie Davis advised that a nomination form was received for the position of Committee Member for John Minns.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion that:
    “John Minns be elected as a Committee Member of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • Simon Hayes seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.
  • Kylie Davis advised that a nomination form was received for the position of Committee Member for AJ Chand.
  • Kylie Davis moved the motion that:
    “AJ Chand be elected as a Committee Member of the Proptech Association of Australia.”
  • Jennifer Harrison seconded the motion.
  • Kylie Davis then put the motion to the members.
  • The majority of members voted in favour of the motion and the motion was carried.

5.0 Closure

5.1 Closure

  • Kylie Davis asked if any member present wished to raise any further matters. There was no response.
  • Kylie Davis declared the annual general meeting closed.