These Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between the Proptech Association Australia (ARBN 640 585 486) (PTAA) and you as a Member. The PTAA reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice to you.

These Terms and Conditions were last updated on 1 February 2021.


Constitution means the constitution of PTAA.

Follower means someone who subscribes to communications from PTAA but is not a Member.

Member means a financial member of PTAA.

Member’s Directory means the directory of Members, as outlined in clause ?4 of these Terms and Conditions.

Privacy Policy means the PTAA’s privacy policy available at https://proptechassociation.com.au/privacy-policy/.

PTAA means the Proptech Association Australia (ARBN 640 585 486).

Secretary means the PTAA secretary.

Proptech Association Australia Constitution

All Members are bound by the PTAA Constitution and any policies the PTAA may adopt and publish from time to time.  Copies of these documents may be obtained by contacting the Secretary by emailing members@proptechassociation.com.au. 

How to apply to be a Member

Application Form

All applications for membership of the PTAA can be made via an online application form (the Application Form), available here: https://proptechassociation.com.au/membership/  The PTAA may request additional documentation to support your application.

Who is eligible to be a Member

Eligibility for membership is subject to the PTAA’s receipt of:

  1. your completed Application Form;
  2. any supporting document reasonably requested by the PTAA; and
  3. payment of your membership fee in accordance with clause ?6 of these Terms and Conditions.

Notwithstanding the above, ultimate eligibility for membership is in the PTAA’s sole discretion. 


Should your application be successful, your membership will become active once your application has been approved by the PTAA and you have paid your membership fee in accordance with clause ?6 of these Terms and Conditions.


If your application for membership is not approved then your membership fee will be refunded (less bank fees).

What are your entitlements as Member


As a Member, you will be entitled to a range of membership services and benefits listed on the PTAA’s website.  The PTAA may change, suspend, vary or withdraw any of these services and benefits without notice to you from time to time.  There may also be additional services and benefits offered to Members and the wider public that may incur additional charges, including but not limited to seminars, workshops, conferences and training courses.

Voting Rights

On a question arising at any general meeting of the PTAA a Member has one vote only.

Access to Entitlements

Membership entitlements are extended to the Member only and associated persons of the Member provided that the associated persons are authorised by the PTAA.

Member’s Directory

Upon acceptance of your application for membership, unless you provide otherwise, the PTAA will maintain a Member’s Directory that discloses each Member’s name and employer. The Member’s Directory will be available for all Members.  Should you not wish to have your information disclosed in the Member’s Directory, you must notify the Secretary of this requirement.

You must not use the information on the Member’s Directory other than for the following purposes:

  1. sending other members:
    1.  a newsletter;
    2.  a notice in respect of a meeting or other event relating to the PTAA; or
    3. other material relating to the PTAA; or
  2. some other purpose as expressly provided for by the PTAA.

Any communications between Members as a result of information provided through the Member’s Directory will not have been verified or approved by the PTAA.  Any such communication should not be taken to represent the PTAA’s views or values and the PTAA takes no responsibility for these communications.


You cannot transfer your membership to another person or entity.

Your details with us

Members Details

Only you or a person authorised by you in writing may request to change, alter, edit or delete your details that the PTAA holds by sending a written request to the Secretary.

Your personal information

Personal information that the PTAA collects about you is subject to the PTAA’s privacy policy (the Privacy Policy) and is used for the purpose of providing you with the membership services and benefits or information about other benefits and services available.  The Privacy Policy is available at https://proptechassociation.com.au/privacy-policy/

By submitting an Application Form, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy and agree with and consent to the terms set out in that policy.

Copyright and trademark

All contents of the PTAA’s website are copyright of the PTAA or a third party.  Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions should be construed as a licence or right to use any logo, trademark or other intellectual property without the PTAA’s written permission or the permission of the third party that may own the intellectual property.  Misuse of any intellectual property is prohibited.  You may not use such logos, trademarks or intellectual property without our prior written permission and in that case, only for the purpose and to the extent permitted.  If the Member ceases to be a member of the PTAA it must cease publication of the PTAA logo.  

Membership Fees


Your membership is provided on an annual subscription basis, with the PTAA membership year running from 1 July to 30 June.  Membership fees must be paid up-front and may be paid for the total year in full, in monthly instalments or as otherwise allowed by the PTAA.  You may choose to authorise the PTAA to direct debit your nominated account for your membership fee payments through the Application Form. The payment of the membership fee may incur a surcharge for credit cards.

The membership fees are determined in the sole discretion of the PTAA.  The PTAA may, in its sole discretion, provide a concessional rate on your membership fee for certain Members in particular circumstances.  It is your responsibility to notify the PTAA if your situation changes and you are no longer eligible for or no longer require a concessional rate.


Where your membership fees are in arrears, the PTAA reserves the right to:

  1. one month after a membership fee is due but unpaid, deny access to your membership services and benefits; and
  2. two months after a membership fee is due but unpaid, terminate your membership. 

The PTAA will notify you of the termination by writing to you at your last recorded email address.

Renewing your Membership

In order for your membership to continue beyond your 12-month membership period, you will need to consent to renew your membership every 12 months.  The PTAA will send a form for your consent approximately one month before the renewal date.  Your eligibility to renew your membership is subject to your payment of the membership fee(s) and your ongoing compliance with these Terms and Conditions. 

In the event that you have authorised the PTAA to direct debit your nominated account for your membership payments, you will still be required to consent to the renewing of your membership in the form provided by the PTAA.

Ceasing to be a member


The PTAA may at its absolute discretion, terminate your membership and take such other action deemed appropriate if:

  • you do anything, or omit to do anything which brings or is likely to bring the PTAA or its name into disrepute; 
  • you are in breach of these Terms and Conditions (including any referenced PTAA policy or document);
  • a complaint is made against you, and following an investigation, the PTAA determines that you should be expelled; or
  • following an investigation into a complaint made against you, you refuse to act on the PTAA’s reasonable directions to resolve the subject of the complaint.

If a complaint is made against you, the PTAA may choose to suspend your membership during the course of their investigation into the complaint.  During the course of the investigation, the PTAA may choose to (but is not compelled to) consider submissions from you and other Members in connection with the complaint.  Following a determination by the PTAA, you have the right to appeal the decision to a general meeting of the PTAA.  In that event, the decision of a general meeting is taken to be conclusive and final by all parties involved.

If your membership is terminated in accordance with the above then you are not entitled to a refund of any unused portion of your membership fee.


You may resign your PTAA membership by sending a written notice to the Secretary.  Where the notice of resignation does not include a resignation date, your membership will cease at the conclusion of your membership year.

If you choose to resign prior to the expiration of your membership period, you are not entitled to a refund of your annual membership fees, unless the PTAA materially breaches these Terms and Conditions and fails to rectify that breach after being given a reasonable opportunity.  In the event that you chose to pay your annual membership fees by instalments, all remaining monies will be due and payable, unless the PTAA materially breaches these Terms and Conditions and fails to rectify that breach after being given a reasonable opportunity.

Proptech Association Australia Follower 

You may choose to subscribe as a PTAA Follower (via the Application Form).  A PTAA Follower receives communications from but is not a Member of the PTAA.  Membership may only be secured by meeting the eligibility requirements set out in clause ?3 of these Terms and Conditions.

Limitation of Liability

The PTAA does not and the authors of PTAA’s communications do not (including website forms) accept any liability for errors and omissions within PTAA communications.  In circumstances where a Member has suffered loss or damage arising out of or in connection with their membership or reliance on PTAA’s communications, to the full extent permitted by law, the PTAA accepts no liability for this loss or damage and hereby expressly excludes:

  • all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or the law of equity; and
  • any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by the Member in connection with any goods and services offered including, without limitation, any liability for:
  • loss of income or revenue;
  • loss of business;
  • loss of profits or contracts;
  • loss of anticipated savings;
  • loss of data;
  • loss of goodwill;
  • wasted management or office time; and
  • any other loss or damage of any kind.

Goods and Services Tax 

In Australia the provision of goods and services are subject to a tax. The PTAA may add GST to its membership fee and other invoices issued by the PTAA.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in New South Wales.  The PTAA and the Member submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.

Enquiries and Contacts

For membership and general enquiries email: members@proptechassociation.com.au

Your acceptance

By submitting an Application Form, you confirm that you accept these Terms and Conditions and that you agree to comply with them in all respects.