Born global to accelerate company growth
Australian proptechs might be basing themselves on home soil, but many are “born global” with early expectations of expanding to international markets. Speakers on the “Accelerating for Growth” panel at…
“I haven’t seen a spring selling season like it”: CoreLogic’s Owen
by Benn DorringtonThe Australia and New Zealand Property Journal CoreLogic’s Eliza Owen says the typical surge of new homes hitting the market in Spring has been lacklustre in a sign…
Proptech Forum 2022: Embracing your critics and other insights
by Benn DorringtonThe Australia and New Zealand Property Journal Proptech founders, investors and thought leaders shared their insights on the industry at the Proptech Association Australia’s 2022 Proptech Forum in…
Proptech investment returns to pre-COVID levels in Australia
by Benn Dorrington The Australia and New Zealand Property Journal The proptech investment boom that began amid the COVID pandemic has slowed, with start-up companies facing a tougher environment to…
Proptech survival in a disrupted future
Debate continues in technology circles about just when human intelligence will be overtaken by robots, but even the sceptics agree it will likely happen within the next couple of decades.…
Lessons from Google & Uber
Lessons learned from two of the world’s largest technology platforms - Google and Uber - are part of the Proptech Association Australia’s main agenda at the Proptech Forum to be…
How will the economy affect proptech?
Rising interest rates and cost of living, wage pressure and unaffordable housing are creating a perfect storm in the property market.  Proptech Association Australia founder and president Kylie Davis said…
The inside story on how to make your proptech worth millions
Australia is on the cusp of a golden age in proptech – a moment when both internal and external forces are aligning to bring the industry into the spotlight. In…
Fred Schebesta to headline Proptech Forum in Sydney
Fred Schebesta, co-founder of global fintech, has been announced as a headline speaker at the Proptech Forum to be held in Sydney next month. One of Australia’s most respected…
Australia’s first national proptech conference
Australia's first national proptech conference, Disrupting the Disruptors, is expected to draw the country's property tech experts and lead discussions on conceiving, developing promoting and scaling industry solutions.
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